Not much to report on this milestone, so this will be a quick entry. I'm 80% done with modeling my props which includes car, vault, Dans briefcase, and trashcan. While these don't have to have great detail, I'm glad I got them out of the way. Even though it's a small accomplishment it feels good to get something done.
Other than that, I made a bid sheet detailing each shot with level of difficulty, how long the shot is, what kind of animation needs to get done, and the duration of time it will take me to complete. This was super helpful in laying out how long the project will take and gave me some things to look optimistic about such as labeling more easy shots than hard shots.
I also took some time to meet with my advisor to ask for some advice on my facial rigs for animation of a 2D face on the 3D model which was helpful. While we didn't have much time it was good to get that started.
By the end of this week or middle of next week, I want to have my environment completely modeled with kit-bashing techniques for smaller details such as street lights and such. For now progress was made so Im happy.