The final critique of the semester is here! They werent lying when they said this project will move faster than you think. For this update I have started building the face rig for my main character and have been slowly designing what the middle of my town square will look like.
The face rig component is still very complicated and hard to understand. I have started off with just the mouth shapes and followed my test rig to a tee, but something is off since I have more mouth shape materials on this one. My plan is to meet with one of my professors soon to help get me back on track with the process of building these controls so the eye and eyebrow controls will go way faster. As you can see above the nodal network can get a little confusing to look at.
I still need to take more time to build out the middle of my town square so it fits within the action of my scenes while figuring out what its missing because it looks almost too plain. Hopefully with our critique tomorrow, my peers can help me figure out what I'm missing.
Overall, I have been feeling a little bit overwhelmed because I am more behind then I thought I would have been by this point, so I'm really hoping that winter break turns out to be a good period of work time for myself. My goals for winter break are to get the face rig and weight painting done by end of the week, touch at least one of my project files once a day (even if its just for 30 minutes), take two shots all the way through (thinking two easy shots), and to play around with my building sim. This break will be crucial for my success in this film and I think I have made that very clear with myself, so I plan on being very disciplined while allowing myself to enjoy the holidays.
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